Importing Used Cars from the UK to Zimbabwe What you should know

Importing Used Cars from the UK to Zimbabwe What you should know


If you want to buy a car in the UK, it can be difficult to find one that is in good condition and worth your money. There are many websites that offer pre-owned cars for sale, but they tend to be in bad shape and not worth what they say on them. However, if you do have access to a car from the UK, then there are ways of getting it into Zimbabwe so that you can use it as transport.

Buying a Used Car

  • Buy from a reputable dealer.
  • Check the car thoroughly.
  • Check the logbook and MOT certificates carefully, as well as any other paperwork that comes with your vehicle. Make sure everything matches up, especially if you’re buying second-hand parts (like a used engine). It’s also worth checking that all of your vehicle’s documentation is valid and hasn’t expired yet – this can be done at any police station or immigration office in Zimbabwe! If there’s anything missing or unclear on your paperwork, ask your seller to sort it out before committing to buy their vehicle so that no surprises crop up later down the line when importing into Zimbabwe.* Get written warranty coverage for all parts/components included in sale price.* Take advantage of pre-purchase inspections if possible: these give buyers peace of mind by allowing independent experts examine vehicles before purchase so they know exactly what condition they’re getting themselves into!

The Costs of Importing Used Cars from the UK to Zimbabwe

When importing a car from the UK, you should be aware that there are several costs associated with the process. These include:

  • Import Duty – This will depend on the type of vehicle being imported and its value. It can range from zero percent to 40 percent depending on whether or not it is considered to have been used for non-commercial purposes (i.e., private use).

The Documents Needed to import a used car into Zimbabwe

There are a number of documents that you will need to import a used car into Zimbabwe. These include:

  • An Import Permit, which is issued by Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA). You can apply for this online at
  • A certificate of conformity (CoC), which verifies that the vehicle has passed all required tests before being released for sale on the market. It must be issued within six months of registration in another country; otherwise, it must be updated or replaced with another CoC issued by an authorized testing facility in your home country before shipping overseas

Finding a Car in the UK

Finding a car in the UK is not difficult, but it does take some time and patience. There are many websites where you can search for cars and their prices, but bear in mind that not all dealers are honest. You should always make sure that they have a physical address as well as contact details so that you can check if they are an authorized dealer or not.

When buying a used car from abroad there are several things to keep in mind:

  • The condition of the vehicle must be excellent (no rust or damage). * Make sure there is no hidden damage by having it checked out by an independent mechanic before purchasing it!

If something goes wrong after buying your dream car abroad – don’t panic! We will help solve any problems related to importing used vehicles into Zimbabwe through our experience with shipping companies working on both sides of Africa’s borders.”

Purchasing the Car

The first step in the process is to find a car that fits your needs, which can be done by browsing through classified ads or visiting websites such as and There are also many dealerships that sell used cars from the UK and some of these will offer shipping services if needed; however, they may charge more than private sellers who do not have this extra cost associated with them.

Once you’ve found a vehicle that you like and negotiated its price, it’s time for inspection! Before making any final decisions about buying this vehicle, take it for an inspection at an independent mechanic shop (or even better yet two). They’ll be able to tell if there are any issues with the engine or bodywork that could affect its performance or safety once it has left British shores.

Shipping and Importing to Zimbabwe

You will need to find a shipping company that will transport the car. You can also hire a shipping company to do it for you, but this will cost more money.

The Zimbabwean government has specific rules and regulations regarding importing used vehicles from abroad, so be sure to check with them before making any purchases. In addition to paying import duties and taxes on your vehicle when it arrives in Zimbabwe, there are other things that may apply depending on where in England your vehicle comes from:

When importing used cars from the UK, you must be very careful to ensure that all regulations are followed. Failure to do so can lead to penalties and fines.

When importing used cars from the UK, you must be very careful to ensure that all regulations are followed. Failure to do so can lead to penalties and fines.

Importing used cars from the UK is not a one day process; it requires patience as well as time for the paperwork involved in importing vehicles into Zimbabwe. You need to be able to prove ownership of your vehicle before it can be released for importation into Zimbabwe’s Customs Department at Harare International Airport (HIA). This means you need a valid title deed or bill of sale showing proof of purchase, along with other supporting documents such as original registration papers or transfer documents signed by both parties involved in selling/buying this vehicle.

The Import Process

Importing a car from the UK to Zimbabwe is a process that involves several steps. First, you have to decide on the model of car you want and then make sure it’s available in Zimbabwe. Next, you need to find a reputable dealer who can assist with importing your vehicle into Zimbabwe. There are many shipping companies that offer this service but only select ones have experience exporting vehicles from different countries like the UK or South Africa etc., so it’s best if you choose one with experience dealing with these kinds of shipments because they will know exactly what needs doing when transporting cars overseas. Once we’ve found our shipping company and arranged everything with them (including payment), all we need do next is wait patiently until our vehicle arrives at its final destination – which may take up two weeks depending upon where both parties agreed upon delivery should occur

The Duty required by ZIMRA

You will be required to pay ZIMRA duty on the value of your car. This will include any customs duties that were already paid when you bought the vehicle in the UK.

Required Documentation

You will also need to submit the following documentation:

  • ZIMRA Form R-1 to Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) for clearance. This is a tax form that you can download from the internet and fill out online, then print it out and sign it. It must be submitted within 5 working days of arrival in Zimbabwe with your other import documents at Harare International Airport for clearance.
  • Bill of Lading (B/L), which shows information about your vehicle such as its weight and dimensions, who shipped it, what port it left from and where it’s going to arrive at in Zimbabwe. You may need this document if there are any problems with customs or if someone tries stealing your car while it’s on its way here!

How do I get the car?

First, you should try to find a car that is in good condition. You can do this by looking at the engine and body of the car and checking for any defects or damage to either. Next, test drive it on different roads and at different speeds to see how well it performs under pressure.

All you need to know about importing a car from UK.

Importing a car from the UK can be a daunting process, and there are many things you need to know before getting started. To help you through this process, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about importing a car from Britain.

  • Who can import?
  • What documentation is required?
  • Duty payable, taxes and tariffs on imported vehicles in Zimbabwe (ZIMRA).


There are many benefits of importing used cars from the UK to Zimbabwe. You can save money on the price and also get a better quality car than what you could find locally. However, there are some important things to consider when importing vehicles from abroad including duty and taxes which must be paid before they leave the country they came from.

Guide to importing cars to Zimbabwe from the UK

At Kandeal, we will assist you through the whole process of acquiring a car to clearing the vehicle. It’s important to understand the requirement for the Importation of Motor Vehicles by Private Individuals.

From the Zimra blog page :

The importation of motor vehicles by private individuals is treated more or less like the importation of other goods. The following legal requirements apply when one imports a motor vehicle for private use;

Particulars of Vehicle on Entry – Declaration

It is a legal requirement that a person importing a vehicle into Zimbabwe makes a declaration of the particulars relating to the vehicle. A declaration on Form 47 (ZIMRA Customs Declaration Form) should be completed giving all the necessary information as required. The information required pertains to the details of the importer and those pertaining to the vehicle. Of paramount importance is the declaration of value which should tally with the selling price on the invoice or agreement of sale in the case of purchased vehicles. It should be noted that it is an offence to make a false declaration.

Documentation Required

The following documents are required to be produced on importation:-

Invoice/agreement of sale
Police clearance – SARPCO Certificate (when imported from a country in Southern Africa
Export bill of entry and supporting documents
Registration book (in the case of used motor vehicles)
Freight statement
Insurance statement
Valuation of Motor Vehicles

The valuation of motor vehicle as with the other goods is in accordance to Part X of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23.02]. ZIMRA reserves the right to accept declared values or in some cases, reject them when the declared values do not reflect a bona-fide open market value. This is usually the case with used motor vehicles where ZIMRA may re-assess the values. This assessment of values is in accordance with Section 112 of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02].

(NB: The valuation of goods including motor vehicles is in accordance with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Valuation Agreement).

In valuing used motor vehicles, ZIMRA considers, but is not limited to the following;

The open market value of similar or identical vehicles sold on the same market at the same commercial level to unrelated parties
The values already accepted for similar/identical vehicles
The current condition of the vehicle being imported.
In determining the value of the imported vehicles, ZIMRA will use any and all information at its disposal.

Vehicles that are acquired by other means other than purchase (such as gifts) are also subject to valuation in order to determine their values.

The valuation process undertaken by ZIMRA is intended to ensure that there is no under- or over-valuation of goods. If a client is not satisfied with the value established through this valuation process, he/she may appeal and seek for a value ruling through the office of the Station Manager or the respective Regional Manager.

Duty Free Concessions – Travellers Rebate

Individuals who personally import their vehicles are entitled to the travellers rebate if they qualify for such. The effect of this is that the determined value is reduced by USD200.00 to give the effective value for duty purposes. It should be noted that there is no aggregation of the traveller’s duty free allowance. In cases where several members of the same family are travelling together in the vehicle being imported, only one member can claim the duty free allowance on the vehicle. The other family members can claim their duty free allowances on other goods they may be importing.

More so, one should understand how ZIMRA calculates duty on these vehicles.

Calculation of Duty on importation of private motor vehicles and suspension of duty on Motor Vehicle imports by the physically handicapped persons.

The duty to be paid on importation of motor vehicles into Zimbabwe is based on the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) value plus other incidental charges and expenses incurred in the purchase of the vehicle and its subsequent transportation up to the first point of entry into Zimbabwe. This CIF value and the other charges constitute what is known as the Value for Duty Purposes (VDP). Such other charges include, inter alia, and where applicable:

  •        Port handling charges, e.g. at Durban Port, Walvis Bay, Beira, Dar es Salaam;
  •        Storage charges; and
  •        Any other special handling fees, if not already included in the CIF Value.

The charges that are levied are Customs duty, Surtax and Value Added Tax (VAT). Surtax is only charged on passenger type motor vehicles that are more than five (5) years old at the time of importation. Please note that both Customs duty and Surtax (where applicable) are calculated on the Value for Duty Purposes (VDP). VAT is calculated on the total of VDP plus the calculated Customs duty payable. This value is known as the Value for Tax Purposes (VTP). Passenger motor vehicles more than five years old are charged surtax at a rate of 35%.

Below is a table showing examples of how to calculate duty payable on the most commonly imported private motor vehicle types using arbitrary CIF values.

Year of Manufacture/Type of vehicle Engine Capacity/Payload CIF Value


Other Charges












Total amount payable



Sedan/ Station Wagon

1495cc 6 000 _ 6 000 @40% = 2 400 _ 8 400 @ 14.5%

=1 218

3 618.00

Sedan/Station Wagon

1495cc 4 000 1 200 5 200 @ 40% = 2 080 @ 35% = 1 820 7 280 @ 14.5%

= 1 055.60


Sedan/Station Wagon

1800cc 5 000 900 5 900 @ 40% = 2 360 @ 35% = 2065 8 260 @ 14.5%

= 1 197.70

5 622.70

Sedan/ Station Wagon

3000cc 10 000 600 10 600 @ 40%

= 4 240

_ 14 840 @ 14.5%

= 2 151.80

6 391.80

Pick -up truck

Payload of up to 800kg 3 000 1 000 4 000 @25%

=1 000

5 000 @ 14.5%

= 725

1 725.00

Pick -up truck

Payload more than 800kg but not exceeding 1400kg 4 000 1 200 5 200 @40%

= 2 080

7 280 @ 14.5%

= 1 055.60

3 135.60

Pick- up truck

Payload more than 1400 kg but with a gross vehicle mass of less than 5 tonnes 7 000 1 500 8 500 @40%

= 3 400

11 900 @14.5%

= 1 725.50

5 125.50

Double Cab

2500cc 7 000 1 500 8 500 @60%

= 5 100

13 600 @14.5%

= 1 972

7 072

**NB: Please note that ZIMRA at entry points may re-assess values of the motor vehicles if the declared values do not reflect a true market price in the country from where they were bought.

Suspension of duty on Motor Vehicle Imports by the physically handicapped persons

What does suspension of duty mean?

 Suspension of duty is the waiver of Customs Duty and Surtax. Value Added Tax (VAT) is payable at a rate of 15% based on the value of the motor vehicle plus freight, insurance and any other charges incurred before delivery of vehicle to Zimbabwe.

What is required from you?

  • Current letter from a specialist doctor stating the following:

The nature and degree of disability

 Giving indications of the type of vehicle you could drive under the circumstances

 The extent of disability (whether it is temporary or permanent)

An invoice/proforma invoice /document for the recommended motor vehicle which should include the following information:

  • Engine number
  • Chassis number
  • Type of transmission
  • Year of manufacture
  • Application letter
  • Proof of source of funds
  • Copy of identification particulars
  • Proof of current residence

Which persons qualify for the privilege?

 A physically handicapped person:

  • who is blind – if the Commissioner is satisfied that the vehicle is to be used for the benefit of that person; or
  • with a physically disability that is not temporary – if the vehicle has automatic transmission and additionally, or alternatively, special controls that render it suitable for use by that person, and the Commissioner is satisfied that the vehicle is to be used by that person; or
  • with any physical disability that impedes his personal mobility and is not temporary, whether or not the vehicle is of a description referred to above as long as the Commissioner is satisfied that the vehicle is to be used by that person.

What type of vehicle qualifies?

  • The make and model should be a sedan or a station wagon classified under tariff heading 8703 and carrying not more than 10 persons.
  • The applicable light commercial motor vehicles are those classified under any of the following tariff codes: 8704.2130, 8704.2140, 8704.3130 or 8704.3140 in Statutory Instrument 111 of 2012.

What is the age restriction for the vehicle?

The year of manufacture should not be more than 10 years.

How many motor vehicles can one import under this privilege?

In terms of the suspension regulations, a physically handicapped person can import one passenger or one light commercial motor vehicle without payment of the applicable Customs Duties.

What is the procedure for claiming this privilege?

  • One should apply in writing to the ZIMRA Commissioner for a possible grant of a suspension of duty for the physically handicapped, stating the disability and also justifying the need for that particular vehicle.
  • Pro-forma invoices for the vehicle intended for importation should be attached and such invoice should clearly state year of manufacture, engine and chassis numbers and the cost of the vehicle.
  • The doctor`s letter stating the nature and degree of disability should be attached.
  • Application can be posted or submitted to any nearest ZIMRA office.
  • Applicant will then be invited to an interview at ZIMRA to ascertain the correctness of the application and other submitted documents.
  • If the application is approved, the applicant will be issued with a letter granting the suspension of Customs Duty and Surtax only and such letter should be attached when the vehicle is finally imported.
  • If suspension of duty is not granted, the applicant will have to pay duty and Value Added Tax (VAT) when the vehicle is finally imported.

 What are the disposal conditions for the vehicle?

 A motor vehicle on which duty has been suspended shall not be disposed of by the importer within five years of its importation unless:

  • the Commissioner has given written permission for its disposal, and the suspended duty has been paid.